The father's sons, not wishing to go the way of their parents, gathered together a group of ruffians and fled to the forest, preying on passersby and living off the land, and turning the forest into a haven for desperate or unsavory characters.
The king found out about this, and ordered the family executed. According to him, an impoverished farmer and his family were desperate to survive, and risked poaching in the forest. If you travel near the village of Ehlerdahhe will tell you that the Swadian king declared the woods near the village his personal hunting grounds. Despite his noble lineage being highly questionable, the nobles of Calradia believe his claim, and you will not lose any relationship points with the lords if you promote Rolf to lordship.
If elevated to lordship in WarbandRolf will recruit whatever troops are available in his fiefs, regardless of nationality.
To help you claim right to rulehe is willing to make up a royal family line for you, which infuriates Firentis. He claims to be from the 'noble and puissant' House of Rolf and is skilled in melee fighting and athletics.